New eCDN Ramp available for Microsoft Teams

Soon you will be able to use a new Enterprise Content Delivery Network (eCDN), Ramp, should you need a CDN for live events in Microsoft Teams.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 80825

When this will happen

We will begin rolling this out in late March and expect the rollout to be complete by late March to early April.

How this will affect your organization

Ramp, the industry standard for video content delivery within the enterprise, will soon support Microsoft Teams customers (already supported in Microsoft Stream). With this support you will be able to deliver secure, reliable, high-quality video, at scale throughout your enterprise.

This change brings the familiar Ramp eCDN options to Teams Live Events in your tenant. Your current selection should not be impacted by this addition.

What you need to do to prepare

Ramp will be an option in the Microsoft Teams admin center or you can select it via PowerShell:

  • Set-CsTeamsMeetingBroadcastConfiguration -AllowSdnProviderForBroadcastMeeting $True -SdnProviderName ramp -SdnRuntimeConfiguration “{config provided by RAMP}”

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Message ID: MC242584

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