Restarting a Teams Live Event
For some Teams Live Events, you may want to restart the event after it has already started, or after you have ended it. Until now, this capability was not available. However, soon you will be able to restart a Teams Live Event if it is accidently ended it or if there is a connection issue during the event.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 82953
When this will happen:
We will begin rollout of this feature by late September, and expect to complete rollout by early October.
How this will affect your organization:
If a producer chooses to restart a live event after it has started or after you have ended, you will lose the recording, transcript, and captions data of the event in progress and attendees will not be able to view the current event on demand. Once the producer restarts the event, all presenters and producers must re-join the call and can start the event once they re-join. Only producers may restart an event.
What you need to do to prepare:
No action is required. You may want to update your documentation as needed.
Message ID: MC286781
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