SharePoint: Site Access Review offers a way for SharePoint tenants to empower site owners using Data Access Governance

SharePoint admins can use Data Access Governance reports to discover potential oversharing within their tenant. Once discovered, SharePoint admins can now request that site owners review permissions using the specific context of that report from within the report. They can also track all such requests raised from a central location. The site owners will receive a corresponding email and are redirected to a section within the site (site reviews) that clearly enunciates the corresponding data related to sharing and permissions along with the ability to take action. This feature is now available for Data Access Governance – Permissions based reports – count of permissioned user report.
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Product SharePoint
Release phase General Availability
Release date September CY2024
Platform Web
Cloud Instance Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)
Created 2024-08-02
Roadmap ID 406553
Roadmap Link

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