Windows Autopatch Entra Group Owner Migration
Windows Autopatch is migrating Entra group ownership from the ‘Modern Workplace Management’ app to the ‘Modern Workplace Customer API’ for better scalability and performance. The transition starts mid-November and ends mid-December 2024, with no immediate impact or action required from users.
Windows Autopatch will update the owner of Autopatch owned Entra groups that are currently exclusively owned by the ‘Modern Workplace Management’ application.
Windows Autopatch will update the owner of Autopatch owned Entra groups that are currently exclusively owned by the ‘Modern Workplace Management’ application. This change is due to Windows Autopatch migrating from App-only auth to user auth to manage our groups. To start, all Autopatch owned groups will be owned by both the new application ‘Modern Workplace Customer API’ in addition to the previous application. No customer-owned Entra groups will be impacted.
We will roll out the new application gradually, starting mid-November through mid-December. At a future date, the current application, ‘Modern Workplace Management’, will be deprecated, and replaced by the new application, ‘Modern Workplace Customer API’.
When this will happen:
We will begin rolling out these changes to your tenant starting November 11th,2024 through December 11th, 2024.
If you have any questions or concerns, or need assistance, file a service request by visiting the Microsoft Intune Admin Center
How this will affect your organization:
The new application is intended to replace the existing application on Windows Autopatch tenants. This is for scalability and performance efforts by Windows Autopatch. There is no immediate impact to your environment.
What you need to do to prepare:
There is no action required from you at this time.
Message ID: MC921912