Change to deletion of whiteboards behavior

Today when a user account is deleted, whiteboards stored in Azure that they own are deleted and whiteboards that are shared with others are not deleted. We are changing this behavior for boards stored in Azure.

Note: For boards stored in ODB, these will be handled like any other content in ODB. For more information, see Set the OneDrive retention for deleted users.

When this will happen:

This will start applying as of early June 2022.

How this will affect your organization:

If you want to keep a deleted user’s whiteboards, BEFORE you delete the account, transfer ownership of the whiteboards. You can transfer a single whiteboard or transfer all of them to another user.

To transfer all whiteboards, follow the instructions at Invoke-TransferAllWhiteboards.

For more information about deleting user accounts, see Delete a user from your organization.

What you need to do to prepare:

Ensure that any deletion process or script handles this change. If you are fine with the whiteboards being deleted, then no action is required.

Message ID: MC381447

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I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.

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