Finding missing devices in Windows Update for Business reports

Windows Update for Business reports has released a new “DeviceDiagnosticDataNotReceived” alert to help you identify devices that are missing from your reports. Read more in Missing devices in Windows Update for Business reports? 

When will this happen: 
The new alert is available now. 
How this will affect your organization: 
If you use Windows Update for Business reports, you may have noticed that sometimes devices fail to send diagnostic data and end up missing from your reports. This update addresses this issue, allowing you to better troubleshoot non-responsive devices and improve your organizational security. 
What you need to do to prepare: 
No action is needed to prepare for this update. You can find the new alert by taking the following steps: 
  1. Go to
  2. Navigate to Monitor > Workbooks > Insights
  3. Open the Windows Update for Business workbook
  4. On the Overview page, locate the Total devices KPI card. 
  5. Select View details
  6. Explore the Missing devices tab to see details of currently unavailable devices. 
Additional information: 

Message ID: Finding missing devices in Windows Update for Business reports

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I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.

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