Microsoft Teams: Sensitivity label support for town hall and webinars

This feature will now allow event organizers to set sensitivity labels for town halls and webinars. These labels are visible to organizers when creating an event instance once selected, and notify organizers if the details of the event being created are not valid for the selected sensitivity.


Microsoft Teams: External presenters can join on mobile

This update allows presenters who were invited using the external presenter feature to join via their Android and iOS Teams client.


Microsoft 365 app: Use sensitivity labels in Microsoft 365 apps when connected experiences are disabled

Your organization can now disable connected experiences for privacy concerns without impacting data security policies, such as sensitivity labels. Services associated with Microsoft Purview (e.g. sensitivity labels and rights management) are no longer controlled by policy settings to manage privacy controls for Microsoft 365 Apps. Instead, these services will rely on their existing security admin controls in Purview portals.


Microsoft Purview compliance portal: Insider Risk Management- Bulk upload for Priority User Groups

Insider Risk Management Priority user groups will now support bulk upload capabilities. An IRM administrator will be able to upload a CSV of UPNs that they would like to add to a new or existing priority user group. Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management correlates various signals to identify potential malicious or inadvertent insider risks, such as IP theft, data leakage, and security violations. Insider Risk Management enables customers to create policies based on their own internal policies, governance, and organizational requirements. Built with privacy by design, users are pseudonymized by default, and role-based access controls and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.


Power Automate – View a Power Automate visual in a Power BI report announcement

We are announcing the general availability of the View a Power Automate visual in a Power BI report feature.


What’s new in the Microsoft Intune Service Update for July 2024

The Microsoft Intune Service Update for July 2024 has been released, updating your account to the latest build. You’ll notice the update in the Tenant Status blade soon. Prepare by reviewing the new features in the latest Intune What’s New 2407(July) Blog and the Microsoft Intune Service Updates Blog.


Announcing IPv6 Enablement for Accepted Domains

Starting October 1, 2024, Microsoft will enable IPv6 for Accepted Domains in Exchange Online, enhancing security and performance. Organizations should update network allow-lists to include Exchange Online IPv6 endpoints. Opt-out details will be provided in September for those needing to remain IPv4-Only.


Microsoft Outlook: Contact deduplication

Outlook is updating to automatically hide exact or proper subset duplicate contacts, streamlining contact lists. The update will roll out from late August to September 2024 for Outlook on the web and new Outlook for Windows. Other Outlook clients will show all contacts, and synchronization will occur across all platforms. Hidden duplicates can be accessed and exported from classic Outlook clients. No admin action is required, but users should be informed.


Viva Amplify: Viva for AI Transformation pre-built campaign now available

The message details the availability of a new Viva for AI Transformation pre-built campaign in Viva Amplify, including 10 pre-drafted communications for corporate communicators and change management leaders. It will roll out in August 2024 and requires no admin action to activate.


Microsoft Outlook: Intelligent recap integration

The new Microsoft Outlook will integrate an AI-powered Intelligent recap feature from Microsoft Teams, allowing users to access AI-generated meeting notes and tasks directly from the Outlook calendar. This feature is available for new Outlook for Windows and the web, with full access depending on license status. Rollout begins mid-August 2024.


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.