Microsoft Teams: Introducing slash commands in the compose box

Microsoft Teams is introducing new slash commands for composing messages and navigating Teams, with a rollout starting mid-May 2024 for Targeted Release and mid-June 2024 for General Availability. No admin action is required, but informing users is recommended.


Revoking vulnerable Windows Boot Managers

Windows is making updates to address a known security vulnerability exploited by BlackLotus to bypass Windows Secure Boot. Windows updates release April 9, 2024, and later, include new controls which provide the manual ability to deploy the “Windows UEFI CA 2023” certificate to the Secure Boot DB, as well as revoke trust for the “Microsoft Windows Production PCA 2011” signing certificate.   


Microsoft Purview | Endpoint Data Loss Prevention: Enhancements to the DLP capabilities on macOS endpoints

Microsoft Purview | Endpoint Data Loss Prevention is enhancing DLP capabilities on macOS with context-based classification and matched condition evidence for advanced classification. Rollout begins early May 2024, completing by mid-May. No admin action needed before rollout; security teams should be informed.


Reducing Windows 10, version 22H2 monthly LCU package size

The security and quality update packages that Windows 10 receives every month are becoming smaller and more efficient.  


Microsoft Viva: Viva Learning – Add links to content in featured set

Global administrators/knowledge administrators can now add links to content sets in Viva Learning. These links can direct users to content stored internally with services like SharePoint and Stream or found online through YouTube, Vimeo, and other sources. The capability to add links to content allows admins to add content found online to featured sets, in addition to formal learning courses from connected providers.


Microsoft Copilot (Microsoft 365): Summary in Chat support for document text selection

Summary requests in chat can be limited to operate only on the user-selected text in the document, rather than operating in large part against the entire document


Microsoft Teams: Updates to in-app feedback experience and policies for Desktop & Web clients

We are updating the Settings menu for “Help & Feedback” and the in-app “Give Feedback/Suggest a Feature” experience for Teams Desktop & Web clients. Teams Desktop and Web clients will no longer use Microsoft Teams feedback policies for the in-app “Give Feedback/Suggest a Feature” experience, and instead use the Cloud Policy service for Microsoft 365.


Microsoft Teams: Easily manage Do Not Disturb presence status when screen sharing

We’re introducing a setting that allows Teams Phone Mobile users to opt-out of your presence automatically transitioning to Do Not Disturb when presenting or screen sharing. When this setting is enabled, users will be able to continue to receive call notifications when presenting, without having to manually adjust their presence status.


SharePoint: Enhancements to the Text web part

New features coming to the Text web part include enhancements to styling/formatting, bullets/numbered lists, and tables.


Microsoft Viva Engage: New adoption community for Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365

Microsoft Viva Engage will soon introduce a new community to support the adoption of Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365, offering features like one-click community creation and a setup checklist. Rollout begins late May 2024, with completion expected by early June 2024. No action is required from admins before the rollout.


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.