Important Information about Microsoft Power Automate Desktop

We have detected an issue on some older versions of Microsoft Power Automate Desktop that we need your help to resolve.

How does this affect me?
We have identified that a certificate issue is causing failures when attempting to author, edit, or run flows using Power Automate Desktop versions 2.2 (December release), 2.3 (January release), and 2.4 (February release).

What action do I need to take?
If you installed a version of Power Automate Desktop prior to 02 March 2021, please update to the latest version, 2.5 (March release). Please see this documentation for assistance on updating.
Please contact Microsoft Support and reference ticket 230360184 if you need further assistance.

Message ID: MC242840

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I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.