Microsoft Purview compliance portal: Data Loss Prevention – Enhanced incident communication with DLP email templates

You can now elevate your DLP incident management with the power of customizable email templates designed to send email messages to your stakeholders when an event is generated for DLP Policy match. With dynamic variables and tokens at your disposal, you can effortlessly create and maintain email templates, ensuring consistency and efficiency in your communications, along with a documented audit trail. You can use these email templates to inform end users about incidents, their severity, or the analyst’s recommendations; stay on top of remediation efforts by sending follow-up notifications to end users with due dates; keep analysts informed about incident updates and assignments; trigger escalation notifications to managers or other custom targets; notify approvers of pending items with ease; and many more scenarios like these.

Release phase General Availability
Release date July CY2024
Platform Web
Cloud Instance DoD, GCC High, GCC
Created 2024-05-23
Roadmap ID 397754
Roadmap Link

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I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.

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