Windows Autopatch features: Service Level Objective (SLO), Import Update Rings, and Reporting Enhancements

The message announces the general availability of new Windows Autopatch features: Service Level Objective (SLO), Import Update Rings, and Reporting Enhancements, which aim to improve Windows device management and update processes.

We are thrilled to announce the general availability of our new Windows Autopatch features: Service Level Objective (SLO), Import Update Rings, and Reporting Enhancements. 

Service Level Objective (SLO):

The Service Level Objective feature provides a robust framework for managing and maintaining the health of your Windows devices. It allows IT administrators to define a set of objectives or targets that a service is expected to meet, ensuring optimal performance and reliability. With this feature, you can now set objectives for your Windows devices and monitor their compliance status.

Learn More:Windows quality updates

Import Update Rings:

You can import your organization’s existing Intune Update rings for Windows 10 and later into Windows Autopatch. Importing your organization’s Update rings provides the benefits of the Windows Autopatch’s reporting and device readiness without the need to redeploy or change your organization’s existing update rings.

Learn More: Windows quality updates

Reporting Enhancements:

We’re also excited to introduce significant improvements to our reporting capabilities. We’ve reduced the refresh time of reporting from 24 hours to just 30 minutes, allowing for more timely and accurate data. Additionally, we’ve improved the service sync time from 8 hours to 1 hour, ensuring your services are always up to date with the latest data.

These features are part of our ongoing commitment to enhance the Windows experience and provide our users with the tools they need to manage their devices effectively. We believe these features will significantly improve the way you manage updates and maintain the health of your Windows devices.

To get started with these new features, simply navigate to the Windows Autopatch section in your Windows settings. If you have any questions or need more assistance, please contact our support team.

Message ID: MC794750

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