2021 release wave 1 automatic update coming soon
Beginning on April 2, 2021, we will enable the 2021 release wave 1 features across our global customer base. For more information on the new features and capabilities that will be available to you and your users, please review the 2021 release Wwve 1 plan.
How does this affect me?
Your environments will have the 2021 release wave 1 updates automatically applied to your Power Platform applications during your regional maintenance window. It will not require any action from you.
Although there is no expected degradation to service performance or availability, this service update is planned outside of normal business hours to help minimize any potential impact to your organization.
What action do I need to take?
Communicate as appropriate with your users. To review the list of features that may impact the end user experience, you can view the Power Platform features for early access page.
Please contact Microsoft Support if you experience any issues.
Message ID: MC246652
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