Microsoft Forms: Increasing the response quota for Forms

The number of responses allowed per form or quiz is being increased to five million. The form owner will be able to export the results into a *.csv file for analysis.


Microsoft Forms new App “Polls” in Teams

Microsoft Forms has always focused on providing the best polling experience to our customers. However, according to customer feedback and telemetry, we have determined that many people don’t know the “Forms” App provides polling capability in Teams.

To provide a better experience we are delivering a new Teams app specifically for polling capabilities. This new app will be discoverable in Teams meetings/chats as “Polls”.


Microsoft Forms: New Mobile Friendly Experience for Form Creation/Analysis

Form designers who create forms and analyze results from Mobile will now have a much more mobile friendly experience that is optimized for their device, making Forms even easier to use. This will be available to New forms and Existing forms in the browser first and then a few weeks later in the Office Mobile app.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 81843.


Microsoft Forms: Forms Mobile parity with Forms desktop for Creation & Analysis

Form designers who create forms and analyze results from Mobile will now have access to the full Form’s product functionality including all question types, settings, quiz, and collaboration. This will be available to new forms and Existing forms in the browser and a few weeks later in the Office Mobile app.


Microsoft Forms: Planned data migration

Planned Maintenance: Microsoft Forms

We have maintenance planned for Microsoft Forms:


Microsoft Forms: Timed Quiz

Configure the time allotted for your students to complete a quiz.


Microsoft Forms: Timed Quiz

Configure the time allotted for your students to complete a quiz.


Microsoft Forms: Manage and organize your forms and quizzes now

Forms organization allows user to manage and group all forms/quizzes in their own way to efficiently archive and categorize their forms.


Microsoft Forms data insights: Word Cloud for open text question

We are introducing a new AI based data insight type Word Cloud for open text question in Forms. The key phrases from the open text responses will be extracted and be visualized with word cloud. This can help users to get a quick view on the top text phrases people answered with.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 81840


Microsoft Forms: Correct Answer choice in Teams Meeting Forms Polls

This new feature introduces Correct Answer choices to Polls within Teams meetings and will roll out across Microsoft Teams Desktop, Mobile and Web. The new update will make poll creation fluid, as frictionless as possible and gives presenters control of their meeting experience.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 80519.


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.