Microsoft Teams: Expanded Reactions

Expanded reactions allows users to apply any emoji as a reaction to chat messages! Pick from 800 plus Teams emojis to react the way you want.


Microsoft Teams: Chat with self

Users can send themselves notes, messages, files and images/videos; helping them stay organized.


Microsoft Teams: Chat density

Customize the number of chat messages you see on the screen. Use the compact setting to fit 50 percent more messages on the screen. Comfortable setting keeps the chat display as it is in Teams today.


Microsoft Teams: Delay delivery of chat messages

You can send out a chat message in a time that
is convenient to you, and the message will arrive to its destination at the
time you scheduled.


Microsoft Teams: Hot Desking on Teams Display

Hot desking on Teams display allows employees to quickly locate and reserve temporary workspaces to touch down and make calls, set up ad-hoc meetings, or sign in to access their personalized Teams experience. Hot desking can be reserved in advance through Teams and Outlook, or right from the device if they’re already in the office.


Microsoft Teams: Chat with Teams personal account users

Teams users will be able to chat with team members who are outside their work network and have a Teams personal account. This is expanding on external access capabilities, enabling Teams users to invite for a 1:1 or group chat any other federated Teams users using an email address or phone number and remain within the security and compliance policies of their organization.


Microsoft Teams: Home page customization for Teams admin center

admins can drag and drop widgets to customize their Home page in Teams admin


Microsoft Teams: Teams device management for Surface Hubs

Administrations will be able to setup, manage, and monitor their Surface Hubs through the Teams admin center.


Microsoft Teams: Mute Notifications During Meetings

will be able to mute notifications during meetings thereby helping focus during
meetings. A user can choose to mute notifications for all meetings or per
meeting basis.


Microsoft Teams: Mute Notifications During Meetings

will be able to mute notifications during meetings thereby helping focus during
meetings. A user can choose to mute notifications for all meetings or per
meeting basis.


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.