Microsoft Teams: Tab actions are moving

Microsoft Teams tab actions are moving out of the tab header bar and into the tab dropdown to help declutter the user experience. This impacts all application tabs such as Assignments, Grades, Planner or the Website tab. These tab actions will be found by clicking on the tab name to show a dropdown menu and include: Reload tab, Go to website, Copy link to tab, Pop-out tab, and About this tab.


Co-organizer Meeting Role

Organizers will soon be able to assign the co-organizer meeting role to up to 10 specific people they invite to their meeting. Co-organizers will be granted most of the capabilities of the organizer in the meeting, including being able to access & modify the meeting options for the meeting.

Usage of the co-organizer role for a meeting will be optional. If users choose not to use the co-organizer feature, there will be no change.


Retiring Teams mobile support for devices running on Android 5,6 and 7

We will be retiring the Teams mobile support on iOS version 5, 6 and 7. Instead we recommend that users upgrade to newer Android builds, which is where we will continue to build new features and experiences. We will also begin encouraging users to update to the newest version of Teams if they’re running builds older than 1 year.


Microsoft Teams: Press “Ctrl Spacebar” to speak for GCC-High and DoD

Introducing the capability to allow meeting participants to temporarily unmute by press “Ctrl Spacebar” to speak.


Microsoft Teams: Press “Ctrl Spacebar” to speak for GCC-High and DoD

Introducing the capability to allow meeting participants to temporarily unmute by press “Ctrl Spacebar” to speak.


Microsoft Teams: Dynamic Emergency Calling for Work From Home for VDI – VMware

feature enables users on VMware on Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) to make
an emergency call while working from home. It will allow users to validate (and
if necessary, edit) the address that will be communicated to emergency


Microsoft Teams: Dynamic Emergency Calling for Work From Home for VDI – VMware

feature enables users on VMware on Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) to make
an emergency call while working from home. It will allow users to validate (and
if necessary, edit) the address that will be communicated to emergency


Teams Support of Internal Guest User (formerly known as State 3 and State 4 accounts)

Teams is adding support for Azure AD’s internal guest users (users whose UserType value is “guest” with credentials managed by the host organization either on-prem or in the cloud). These internal user would sign-into Teams like any other users and would be able to collaborate with other users in the host organization.

Note: This change is to support legacy scenarios (formerly known as guest user state 3 and 4), that may have blocked organizations from utilizing internal guest access previously. This change does not impact existing guest access settings.


View Switcher- a new dedicated menu of view options in Teams Meetings

This new feature will place all of the view related options that are found in Teams Meetings (Gallery, Large Gallery, Together Mode) into a separate, dedicated menu called View Switcher. This will show up on the top left of the meeting window.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 70754.


Microsoft Teams: Teams support of guest users with credentials managed by the host tenant

Support internal guest
users with credentials managed by the resource tenant (formerly known as State
3 and State 4 guests accounts).


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.