Microsoft Stream: Generate captions for a video uploaded to SharePoint and OneDrive for GCC and GCC High

Users with edit permissions to a video file uploaded to SharePoint and OneDrive can click a button in the player to generate closed captions in English.


Microsoft Defender for Office 365: The Attack Simulation Training landing page is now customizable

We’re pleased to announce the availability of a new landing page experience that allows customers to easily tailor the landing page to suit the requirements of their enterprise and include their own branding.
More info:


Microsoft Viva: Quiet time settings in Teams and Outlook

To help create better boundaries and protect your personal time, later this year Viva Insights will offer the ability to configure quiet time to silence mobile notifications from Outlook and Teams outside your working hours as well as provide personalized insights on how well you are disconnecting. You will also be able to set quiet time directly from Teams and Outlook mobile.


Microsoft Teams: Left navigation updates in Teams Admin Center

To make it easier to find Team’s features and navigate your Teams organization, we reorganized the left navigation based on user studies and customer feedback.


Microsoft Viva: Praise History in Microsoft Viva Insights

The Praise app in Microsoft Teams is designed to help recognize the effort that goes into the wide-ranging, collaborative work that Teams users do. Users can send Praise to their colleagues through the messaging extension pinned to the Teams messaging bar for most users or through the Microsoft Viva Insights app in Teams. With Praise history, users will be able to view their sent and received praise over the past six months.


Microsoft Stream: Viewing Teams meeting recording transcripts for GCC

You can see transcripts in transcript pane next to the video for Teams meeting recordings when Teams Live Transcript is also enabled. Video viewers can use the transcripts pane to find content most relevant to them and subsequently jump to any point in the video.


Microsoft Teams: Multi-Window support for VDI – Azure Virtual Desktop

Users will be able to view meetings and calls in separate windows from the main Microsoft Teams client. Additionally, meeting and call controls such as mute, video, chat, leave and others will now be located at the top of the meeting window so that they are always available and never block the underlying content.


Microsoft Teams: Transfer Calls between desktop and mobile

Transfer calls between desktop and mobile allows a user to move their call between devices.


Microsoft Stream: Viewing Teams meeting recording transcripts for GCC High and DoD

You can see transcripts in transcript pane next to the video for Teams meeting recordings when Teams Live Transcript is also enabled. Video viewers can use the transcripts pane to find content most relevant to them and subsequently jump to any point in the video.


Microsoft Teams: New Search experience in mobile app

When searching in the Teams mobile app, you will receive suggestions as you type. You will also be able to scroll to past and future dates in the calendar using a date picker.


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.