Microsoft Defender for Office 365: Creating allows in the Tenant Allow/Block List

We understand that, from time to time, you might disagree with an Exchange Online Protection (EOP) filtering verdict. With this update, you will be able to override filtering verdicts using the Tenant Allow/Block List (TABL) in the Defender portal while your submission is being reviewed.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 70591

When this will happen:

We will roll this out starting in early August and be complete by mid-October.

How this will affect your organization:

Sometimes, a good message might be marked as bad (a false positive) or a bad message might be allowed through (a false negative).

The first step is to report the message to Microsoft via the Admin Submissions portal.

  • If you feel that you need to immediately allow the message, you can now choose to “Allow these types of messages” when submitting items that you believe should not have been blocked.
  • You will also see a new Sender tab in the Tenant Allow/Block List. Sender allows created during the submission process will be located here, as well as a place for you to add sender blocks.

New Sender tabView image in new tabWhat you need to do to prepare

To get started, open the Microsoft 365 Defender portal and go directly to the Tenant Allow/Block Lists page. See Learn more below for more detailed steps.

Learn more:

Message ID: MC267137

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