Microsoft Defender for Office 365: DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) support for Advanced Delivery

We’re adding support for DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) domain entry to the Advanced Delivery policy. This enhancement enables security administrators to use DKIM domains in addition or instead of P1 sending domains to configure their third-party phishing simulations.

This option adds flexibility as well as another secure method for third-party phishing simulation vendors that utilize large number of P1 sending domains in their phishing simulation campaigns. Vendors can instead sign all their domains with one or a few DKIM domains. The end user (security administrator) will then just need to specify the DKIM domain in their advanced delivery policy configuration.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 82083

When will this happen:

We expect to begin this rollout in late September and expect the rollout to be fully completed in early October.

How will this affect your organization:

The DKIM domain option provides third-party phishing simulation vendors and our shared customers with another secure method to configure phishing simulations in Defender for Office 365.

What do you need to prepare:

There is no change or action for customers who are already using advanced delivery policy to configure their third-party phishing simulations using P1 sending domain.

Upon review, if specified by your third-party phish simulation vendor, update domain entry in the advanced delivery policy configuration to utilize DKIM domain when this enhancement rolls out to your tenant.

Learn more about the advanced delivery policy: Configure the delivery of third-party phishing simulations to users and unfiltered messages to SecOps mailboxes – Office 365 | Microsoft Docs

Additional information

Message ID: MC286993

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