Microsoft Lists: @mention people in comments

You’ll now be able to “mention” people you work with while adding a new comment to a list Item. This will help people share and collaborate on list items.

The person who receives a notification can click a link that takes them directly to the comment in context, review the comment, and take the requested action.

Please note: The @mention capability is not supported for Internet Explorer browsers. Please use a different browser to use this capability.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 68811

When this will happen:

  • Targeted release (org level): We expect to begin rolling this out in early June and expect to complete the rollout by mid-June.
  • Standard release: We expect to begin rolling this out in mid-June and expect to complete the rollout by the end of June.

How this will affect your organization:

When you try to add a comment, you can type the @ sign in the comment textbox, which will suggest people to mention. You can choose to keep typing the name to narrow down suggestions or select someone from the suggestions.

When you send the comment, we verify whether all @mentioned users have edit permission on the list item. If not, a share & notify dialog will open listing all @mentioned users who don’t have these permissions. You can choose to share the list item with these users and notify them. The item will be shared with edit permissions to the mentioned people.

Below are snapshots of this feature in action:

@Mention person selected from the suggestionsView image in new tab

@mention person selected from the suggestions

An email notification received by the mentioned user appears as shown above: View image in new tab

An email notification received by the mentioned user appears as shown above. When someone receives this email, they click the “Go to comment” button and are then directed to the appropriate comment in the list item.

What you need to do to prepare:

You might want to notify your users about this new capability and update your training and documentation as appropriate.

Learn more:

Message ID: MC261024

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I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.

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