SPO View in File Explorer available in Microsoft Edge
We recommend using the OneDrive sync app to sync SharePoint files with your computer, rather than using View in File Explorer. Sync with OneDrive Files On-Demand helps you work with all your cloud files in File Explorer without having to download all the files and use storage space on your device. In some special cases, we understand that some customers may still have a need to use View in File Explorer to access modern document libraries. Currently, The View in File Explorer option is only available in IE11. As we have announced in MC257029, IE11 support for Office 365 services and apps has retired as of August 17, 2021.
Starting in Microsoft Edge Stable version 93, you can enable the View in File Explorer capability on SharePoint Online for Modern Document Libraries. For this experience to be visible and work for your users, you will need to enable the Microsoft Edge policy “Configure the View in File Explorer feature for SharePoint pages in Microsoft Edge” and update your SharePoint Online tenant configuration.
Note: while “View in File Explorer” will be available, it is not recommended. Whether you’re using Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or another browser, Sync is a faster and more reliable method for putting SharePoint files into folders you can see in File Explorer. To learn more, visit SharePoint file sync.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 82123
When this will happen:
- Targeted Release: This change will start rolling out in early October.
- Standard Release: This will begin rolling out in early November and complete by the end of November.
What you need to do to prepare:
By default, there will be no impact to your organization. By default, the “View in File Explorer” menu option will not be visible to Admins and End Users on the SPO Modern Document Library interface. We recommend using the OneDrive sync app to sync SharePoint files with your computer, rather than using “View in File Explorer”. However, if your organization has a need for the “View in File Explorer” feature in SPO Modern Document Libraries, admins will be able to opt-in to turn on this feature in their tenant, to work on Edge browsers.
To enable View in File Explorer review: View SharePoint files with File Explorer in Microsoft Edge – SharePoint in Microsoft 365 | Microsoft Docs.
Message ID: MC286342
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