Updates to spam reporting
We’re working on creating consistent reporting experiences for customers, and as a result we’re retiring the standalone spam detections report. A new Spam detections report view will now be available in the Threat Protection Status report.
Key points
- Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 85561
- Timing: We expect to begin rolling this out in to standard release and government customers in mid-September and we expect to complete the rollout by late September.
- Roll-out: Tenant level
- Action: Review and assess usage of Get-MailDetailSpamReport and begin usage of Get-MailTrafficATPReport and Get-MailDetailATPReport cmdlets once available.
How this will affect your organization:
Admins should note that the Get-MailDetailSpamReport standalone cmdlet will be retired and replaced with Get-MailTrafficATPReport and Get-MailDetailATPReport cmdlets.
Old Standalone Spam Report
New Spam Report Views
What you need to do to prepare:
Admins should update their report settings to start using the new cmdlets to properly view spam reporting that will be available in the threat protection status report.
Message ID: MC278894
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