Viva Suite app: Viva Pulse – Enabling Notifications
Viva Pulse is a new employee feedback experience that is available for use with your Viva Suite subscription. Viva Pulse empowers managers and project team leaders to request and receive feedback from their teams at any time. Managers and project leads can choose from research-based templates to quickly create a survey and send it to select individuals or groups. They can also track feedback to understand team sentiment over time and show teams they’re being heard by working together to take clear steps to address needs.
With the upcoming release of Viva Pulse (MC613509 June ’23), we want to provide some additional information on steps to enable notifications.
What you need to do to get your organization ready – Enable Notifications
Viva Pulse leverages email to deliver notifications. As an admin, you need to execute a script in PowerShell for these notifications to appear. After the script is executed successfully, users will receive email notifications when a feedback author requests a Pulse, when feedback providers are reminded to respond, when a feedback author is notified their Pulse request has closed, and when a feedback author shares a Pulse report.
Enable email notifications for your tenant and ensure you have PowerShell installed:
- Connect to the target tenant in PowerShell: Connect-AzureAD – TenantId “TENANT-ID“
- When prompted, login as the Tenant Admin / Global Admin for the tenant.
- Create the service principle: New-AzureADServicePrincipal-AppId “56233257-15ee-4d3d-bdcd-9aa975244e4c” -DisplayName “Viva Pulse“
- Validate that the service principle is created: Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -ObjectId <objectID> where objectId = what you get back after running step (2) OR Get-AzureADServicePrincipal And find Viva Pulse in the list returned
Note that if email notifications are not enabled by running this script, feedback authors may not receive enough responses to their Pulses to review their team’s feedback and notifications increase the likelihood that more responses are generated.
To learn more, please visit: Enable notifications for your organization.
All other configurations are optional. To learn more about how to configure Viva Pulse for your organization, please visit: Set up the in-app Viva Pulse experience | Microsoft Learn
Message ID: MC649478
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