SharePoint: People cut out tab for stock images

The stock images tab inside the image file picker will now include images of people without a background.
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SharePoint spaces: Text and 360° tour annotation icon styles

Use and customize styles within the spaces text web part and customize icons in 360° image tours with choice of icons, colors, and size.


SharePoint: Page Analytics

View rich page analytics on SharePoint Pages, including page views, page viewers and page traffic.
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SharePoint: Microsoft 365 Lists entry point in the SharePoint app bar

An entry point to Microsoft 365 Lists will appear in the SharePoint app bar after the files icon. Content in the Microsoft 365 lists panel is driven by Microsoft Graph and is personalized to user activity.


SharePoint: Microsoft 365 Lists entry point in the SharePoint app bar

An entry point to Microsoft 365 Lists will appear in the SharePoint app bar after the files icon. Content in the Microsoft 365 lists panel is driven by Microsoft Graph and is personalized to user activity.


Microsoft Lists: Grid view keyboard improvements

When you edit in grid view (previously ‘Quick edit’), you will have a faster editing experience that adheres to greater levels of accessibility. Navigate across rows and columns using the tab key. Plus, pressing Enter enbales you to edit that field. Clicking Enter on a new row saves the new item. And pressing the Esc key closes editor.


SharePoint: Microsoft List creation from

Now you will be able to create a Microsoft Lists list directly from Click the ‘Create new’ ‘plus sign’ button and select “List.” You’ll see the same create list experience as you see from the Lists home page, in SharePoint and when using the Lists app in Teams.


SharePoint: Site Collection Level permissions for Microsoft Graph

Applications can now use the new “Sites.selected” permission to request access to SharePoint sites.  By default an application that requests “Sites.Selected” instead of a tenant wide permission may not access any SharePoint sites. The tenant administrator can grant or revoke an application’s access to individual sites through new endpoints in the Microsoft Graph API.


SharePoint: Auto-News Digest

SharePoint Auto-News Digest sends automated email to employees in you company about the latest News posts that they have not yet read. Using Microsoft intelligence, a curated selection of News posts are shared with employees through an email that comes from SharePoint. This is a great way for employees to catch up on News that they may have otherwise missed. Only published news posts are sent in the digest, and employees will have access to all the news posts that they are sent so rest assumed that employees won’t see news that they don’t have permission to see. If employees want to opt-out of receiving the Auto-News Digest, they can click the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the email.


Microsoft Lists: sticky first column – built on SharePoint

As you scroll left and right, the first column of your list remains in place; similar to the sticky header that is already a part of Lists.
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I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.