Microsoft Teams: Microsoft Teams Rooms Windows Devices support for presenters in town halls

Presenters can join and present from a Microsoft Teams Room (MTR) Windows device in a town hall.


Microsoft Edge: Workspaces now supports adding highlighting

Microsoft Edge Workspaces users are now able to collaborate in a synchronized way by adding highlighting.


Microsoft Teams: Programmatic Desktop Sharing

With desktop sharing (made available OOB), meeting presenters can now screen-share all their meeting apps directly onto the stage for improved collaboration. We are introducing programmatic desktop sharing, which allows developers to enable screensharing specific pieces of app content. Unlike the currently existing share to stage functionality, meeting participants cannot interact with the shared app; they have a view-only mode of the presenter’s app screen similar to screen sharing, but in one click. The shared content is also automatically captured in the meeting recording. This works great for co-consumption scenarios and requires little developer investment.


Microsoft Viva: Analytics for multiple Connections experiences

Microsoft Viva Connections analytics will be available at a Connections experience level rather than at a tenant level. The rollout will begin in early April 2024 and will affect organizations with multiple Connections experiences. No admin action is required, and the rollout will happen automatically.


Microsoft Viva Connections: Advanced analytics

Microsoft Viva Connections will have advanced analytics available from early April 2024. The new analytics include 90-day daily and aggregated data, monthly data for the last 12 months, and month-over-month retention and returning user metrics. The rollout will happen automatically, and organizations need to have Microsoft Viva Suite or Microsoft Viva Communications and Communities licenses for their users. Learn more at Microsoft Learn.


Microsoft Defender for Office 365: Updated submission results

Administrators and security operators will see updated results from submissions. These updates remove any confusion they might have with the current submission result.


SharePoint Premium: Enable/disable Unstructured, Structured, and Prebuilt Document Processing

SharePoint Premium users can now enable/disable Unstructured, Structured, and Prebuilt Document Processing individually. Admins can turn off each service on the Microsoft Syntex admin page, and models of the turned-off service cannot be created or run. The rollout will occur automatically by mid-March 2024, and no admin action is required.


Microsoft Copilot (Microsoft 365): Copilot for Microsoft 365 now available in the Microsoft Start app

Users with a Copilot for Microsoft 365 license will be able to receive answers grounded in their organizational Graph data with the Microsoft Start app. The app is available for iOS and Android.


OneDrive: Annotate PDFs with Text

This feature allows you to annotate and save PDF files with text boxes, when those files are stored in OneDrive and SharePoint. Users can access the annotation feature by opening the PDF in file viewer and selecting “edit”.


Files and items will display as modified by “Microsoft Power Platform” on behalf of the user

Microsoft Power Platform will be displayed as the modifier of files and items in SharePoint when modified by Power Automate flow or Power App. Users should inform site owners of the change in display.


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.