Microsoft Purview Data Lifecycle

In order to improve the consistency of how retention labels and policies work in SharePoint sites, going forward retention labels published to a group-connected SharePoint site will require the retention label publish policy to select the “Microsoft 365 Groups” location. Once this change rolls out, only those retention labels published to “Microsoft 365 Groups” locations will appear within the dropdown selection menu for the corresponding group-connected sites.

When this will happen:


Microsoft Purview | eDiscovery API for Microsoft Graph now generally available

We are excited to announce the general availability of the Microsoft Graph API for Microsoft Purview eDiscovery (Premium) to help you automate common eDiscovery workflows and integrate 3rd party applications into eDiscovery (Premium).

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 63068


Incident & Alert determination – retirement of old values

We recently changed the Incident and alert classification experience, including an updated classification and determination values list, previously supported values “Apt” and “SecurityPersonnel” will soon be retired.

When this will happen:


Addition of Shared Mailboxes to the Mailbox Usage Report

In the coming weeks, the mailbox usage report will be expanded to include additional mailbox insights.  


Net Promoter Score Survey for Whiteboard

The ability to provide feedback using Net Promoter Score (NPS) is coming soon to Whiteboard web, Teams and the Windows app. 

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 93393


Multiple-Linked Entity Support in Microsoft To Do

In Microsoft To Do, we surface tasks from different sources to provide users with a single place for all of their tasks. One aspect we want to ensure is that tasks that are captured will always be linked back to the source of where they were created.

We currently have the provision to support a single link. For tasks created in Planner, To Do provides the link to the Tasks app in Teams.


PowerPoint; Create a More Engaging Presentation

Integrate a live camera feed into your presentation with cameo in PowerPoint. 
More info:


Microsoft 365 compliance center: Microsoft Purview | Data Lifecycle Management – Optimized behavior of deleted files with multiple versions in SharePoint (U.S. Government clouds)

SharePoint Online items with multiple versions and a retention label now move to the Preservation Hold Library as a single file containing all versions when deleted.


Microsoft Viva: Meeting Category Insights Coming to the Viva Insights App in Teams

Meeting categories in Outlook allow users to easily tag, label, and group calendar events. Meeting category insights is a new feature coming in the Viva Insights app in Teams that will help users understand how they are allocating their time across these meeting categories. Users can view data for the last 3 months, the last 4 weeks, and the next 4 weeks. The feature will be available in an Effective meetings tab being introduced in the app.

With future updates, users will see more personalized insights and suggestions in this tab to help improve meeting habits and will be able to create and share meeting plans to set team meeting norms.


PowerPoint: Create a More Engaging Presentation

Integrate a live camera feed into your presentation with cameo in PowerPoint. 
More info:


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.