Microsoft Teams: Profile menu update, relocating profile menu links to a new menu in the title bar
Access to Settings, Zoom Controls, Keyboard Shortcuts, About, and Check for Updates is moving from the Me Menu to a new menu in the title bar. The Me Menu will be focused on account management, where users can switch to another account or tenant through the first level of the Me Menu. The following links will be moved out of the Me Menu into a new menu in the title bar:
- Zoom Controls
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- About
- Check for updates
Key Points:
- Timing: Rollout to standard release in late January and GCC in early February
- Action: Review and assess
How this will affect your organization:
The Me Menu will be focused on account management, with account and tenant switching moved to level one of the menu.
Settings, Zoom Controls, Keyboard Shortcuts, About, and Check for Updates is moving from the Me Menu to a new menu in the title bar.
What you need to do to prepare:
You may consider updating training and documentation as appropriate.
Message ID: MC228368
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