New Viva Pulse Service Plan Rollout

A new Viva Pulse service plan will be assigned by default on in mid-October timeframe to all users with a license assignment to the following SKUs:

  1. Viva Suite
  2. Viva Workplace Analytics & Employee Feedback
  3. Viva Pulse

This new service plan will be called ‘Viva Pulse’, and the old service plan will be re-named ‘OLD Viva Pulse’. Going forward, please assign the new Viva Pulse service plan so that users can use all Viva Pulse capabilities.

How this will affect your organization

You are receiving this message because your organization is currently subscribed to one of the three existing SKUs (Viva Suite, Viva Workplace Analytics & Employee Feedback, and Viva Pulse). This update will not change your experience or impact any other parts of your Viva experience or Microsoft 365 admin center.

In the mid-October timeframe, the new Viva Pulse service plan will be automatically assigned to all end users with a license assignment to the Viva Suite SKU, the Viva Workplace Analytics & Employee Feedback SKU, and / or Viva Pulse SKU. As an admin, you will see the new service plan in the Microsoft Admin Center, under the ‘Licenses and Apps’ section. 

What you need to do to prepare

  1. Since the new service plan will be automatically assigned for all users with a license assignment to the Viva Suite SKU, the Viva Workplace Analytics & Employee Feedback SKU, and / or Viva Pulse SKU, any previous license assignments / un-assignments you made for users in your organization to the old Viva Pulse service plan will not persist. Please make note of the users you wish to provide Viva Pulse access to and make any necessary updates.
  2. When this change takes effect, please make note of the new service plan names for your administrative records and ensure that you update any relevant provisioning documentation, as needed.


Message ID: MC675964

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I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.

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