Whiteboard: Copilot in Whiteboard

Copilot in Whiteboard helps you kickstart and accelerate your ideation process to generate, categorize, and summarize your ideas.


Outlook: Classic Outlook for Windows – Summarize by Copilot

Copilot combines the power of LLMs and Outlook data to help you do more. Copilot can summarize email threads and extract key points.


Microsoft Stream: Add a hyperlink or text callout to a video at specific times

Make your video interactive and more engaging by adding annotations that can include hyperlinks and text.

Call out important moments or share documents and other links to additional resources. You can add text and links anywhere in the video timeline to help guide your viewers to the right information.


Microsoft Teams: Simplified compose box

A simplified compose box UI will make it easier to create and send messages. Edit your message, insert an emoji or call Copilot right from the compose box, or click on the plus button to choose from the extended menu of actions.


Microsoft Teams: Loop in Teams channels

Co-create and collaborate using Loop components in channels. Share a Loop component like
a table, a list or a paragraph, so anyone in the channel can view and edit it. Available in classic and new Teams.


Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management: General availability of new sequence indicators

Coming soon, Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management will be rolling out general availability of new sequence indicators.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 168841


Bring-Your-Own-Device IT Admin Experience in Teams Pro Management Portal

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) rooms are identified as rooms with no MTR (Microsoft Teams Rooms) but equipped with other peripherals such as camera, microphone. 

In Teams Pro Management Portal, IT admins will finally have the capability to manage and track these specific BYOD rooms. They will get a comprehensive overview of their BYOD rooms and devices activities. With this new addition, they will gain valuable insights into how these spaces are being utilized and enabling them to make data driven decisions.


Microsoft Viva: Search in Viva Connections Mobile for iOS

Search will now be enabled in the Viva Connections (VC) app in Teams. Along with searching in Teams, VC users will also be able to get intranet search results. This feature will be rolled out in a phased manner starting with iOS in mobile only, followed by Android in mobile and then Tablet. The current update is linked to iOS in mobile and we will send out a notification before other phases as well.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 171888


Viva Connections: Apply brand colors across all Connections endpoints using themes

Soon you’ll be able to further customize the Connections experience by applying the themes available in SharePoint to reflect organizational brand colors across desktop, tablet, and mobile.

If you can edit the Connections experience, you have two ways to use this new feature:


Windows Office Hours: October 19th, 2023

If you are an IT admin with questions about managing and updating Windows, we want to help. Every third Thursday of the month, we host a live chat-based event on the Tech Community called Windows Office Hours. Members of the Windows, Intune, Windows Autopilot, Windows Autopatch, and Windows 365 engineering teams will be standing by to answer your questions. We also have experts from FastTrack, the Customer Acceleration Team, and Microsoft public sector teams. 


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.