Upcoming behavior change to the “DoNotRewrite” List

With the deployment of the Tenant Allow/Block List, as being the single source of truth for Tenant Allows, other mechanisms for Tenant Allows are being removed. This will give SecOps teams one place to manage all Tenant Allows.

Today, the “DoNotRewrite” list is used to Skip:


IT Admin Policy Change for the New Webinars experience on Teams

With the launch of the new webinar experience, we introduced a new events policy.

In order to ensure smooth transition to the new webinar experience, we temporarily continued the old webinar policy setting of AllowMeetingRegistration in controlling the availability of the new webinar. Now with successful introduction of the new webinar, we will be decoupling the settings that control the availability of the old (via AllowMeetingRegistration in meeting policy) and the new (via AllowWebinar in events policy) webinar.


Power Platform and Dataverse coming to Service health and Message Center

In an effort to deliver greater clarity on service health communications, we are making changes to the service listings available on Service health and Message Center. Beginning April 2023, Service health and Message Center will include Dataverse and Power Platform.


Microsoft Graph: Data Connect – Hybrid Workplace Analytics Template

Leverage Microsoft 365 data from Microsoft Graph Data Connect to obtain actionable information about the collaboration between people of the organization. Today’s challenges of a work environment that has shifted to embrace hybrid modalities often focus on designing the workplace for people success and wellbeing, as well as measuring the effectiveness of changes. By obtaining insights on how employees engage with hybrid work, managers can take action to identify and reduce employee churn, focus on inclusiveness, and optimize workplace setups for efficiency and employee satisfaction.


Microsoft Purview compliance portal: Data Loss Prevention – Optical character recognition (OCR) support for endpoint

With this update, you will be able to detect and protect sensitive content in images and subsequently apply DLP policies to prevent the exfiltration of that sensitive data on your Windows endpoint devices. This release supports key file types like JPG, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, and PDF (image only).


Microsoft Purview compliance portal: Insider Risk Management – Granular exclusion

Granular exclusion allows admins to adjust and fine tune indicators according to organizational preferences to help tailor the detection of risks that may lead to a potential security incident. For example, admins can configure the indicator “sending email with attachments to recipients outside the organization” to only detect emails sent to personal domains (e.g., outlook.com). In that way, admins can reduce the number of false positives. Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management correlates various signals to identify potential malicious or inadvertent insider risks, such as IP theft, data leakage, and security violations. Insider Risk Management enables customers to create policies to manage security and compliance. Built with privacy by design, users are pseudonymized by default, and role-based access controls and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.


Microsoft Purview compliance portal: Data Loss Prevention – apply protection at the time of egress on endpoints

Extend protection to cold/unclassified files on endpoint devices by just-in-time protection at the time of egress.


Microsoft Teams: Give Feedback for GCC

Users in GCC can give feedback via the Help icon in Teams regarding their experience with the product. This drives how Microsoft addresses trends and influences future features and product updates. From the help icon, click on give feedback to provide verbatims on your product experience.


Outlook: Mandatory Labeling Before Composing Emails for Mobile Users

We have listened to customer feedback for Outlook mobile needing to meet the mission of “On the Go”, and for organizations to have mandatory labeling enabled without default labeling. We are releasing a feature that will allow Outlook mobile users to have a label selection before composing an email to send.

This release will also include a new sensitivity bar below the subject line as well as support label colors.


eDiscovery (Premium) Records Management – Discover the document version that has been shared (GA)

Currently available in public preview (MC394835), to help you efficiently meet regulatory obligations for retention and eDiscovery of shared content in your organization, eDiscovery (Premium) now supports the ability to discover the version of the document at the time that it was shared. This is facilitated by a new Records Management capability that enables you to automatically apply retention labels and retain the version of files shared as cloud attachments in email via Exchange and chat via Teams. The general release of this capability also includes support for file versions shared as hyperlinks within email or Teams messages.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap IDs 70580, 70718, and 106098.


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.