Microsoft Teams: Reactions in Town halls (Premium)

Participants can use reactions (like, love, applause, laugh, surprised) to express themselves during a town hall and the reactions appear as a continuous stream on the side of the screen.


Update to Get-CsOnlineUser and Get-CsUserPolicyAssignment cmdlet in the Teams PowerShell Module

The message announces an update to the Teams PowerShell Module. The LocationPolicy, OptionFlags, and VoicePolicy attributes will be retired from Get-CsOnlineUser and Get-CsUserPolicyAssignment cmdlets. This change will be implemented in March 2024. Administrators will need to use the Teams PowerShell Module cmdlets to get LocationPolicy and VoicePolicy information. Detailed instructions are provided in the message.


Open Teams app content in multi-window stageview

Microsoft Teams will allow users to open app content in new multi-window experiences with Collaborative Stageview. This feature can be opened from an adaptive card, Teams JS SDK or deeplink. The Collaborative Stageview will open existing Stageview deeplinks and API calls in a Teams multi-window. The rollout will begin in mid-March 2024 for Targeted Release and early-April 2024 for Worldwide, GCC, GCC High and DoD. Consider updating training and documentation as appropriate.


Microsoft Purview | Data Loss Prevention for endpoints: Restrict unintentional sharing (macOS)

If your organization does not support macOS, you can ignore this message.

In Microsoft Purview’s compliance portal, you’ll soon be able to restrict unintentional sharing of sensitive items to unallowed cloud apps and monitor sensitive activities in your macOS environment.


New Microsoft Outlook for Windows and Web: Conditional Formatting

Microsoft Outlook for Windows and Web will introduce Conditional Formatting, allowing users to highlight messages meeting specific conditions in the message list using various font colors. The feature will roll out worldwide, GCC, GCC High, and DoD from mid-March to mid-April 2024. Users can create conditional formatting rules in Settings > Mail > Conditional Formatting, with conditions supported including From, To, Cc, and Subject. There are 25 different colors available for Light and Dark modes, and no action is needed to prepare for this change.


Non-security preview updates will continue to be released for Windows 11, version 22H2

If you use or manage Windows 11, version 22H2 devices, your opportunity to receive non-security preview updates has been extended. These updates bring optional fixes and productivity improvements that you can get every fourth week of the month as a preview of what will be available in the next month’s security update . Previously, we communicated that the last optional non-security preview update for version 22H2 would be released on February 27, 2024. Based on user feedback, this date has been changed so more customers can take advantage of our continuous innovation quickly.  


Microsoft Purview compliance portal: Information Protection – Trainable Classifiers in Server Side Auto-labeling

Trainable Classifiers are now available for server side auto-labeling policies in exchange, OneDrive and SharePoint. In addition to the 15 Classifiers that are already available, we have now launched 23 more Trainable Classifier to detect sensitive content such as IP and Trade Secrets, sensitive documents pertaining to important business functions such as Finance, Sales, HR, and Material Non Public Information.


Microsoft Purview compliance portal: eDiscovery – eDiscovery Graph API for purge enhancements to include Exchange items and expand purge limit from 10 to 100

Now eDiscovery admins using the eDiscovery Graph APIs for purge to remove misplaced emails and or Teams messages from their storage locations can use the eDiscovery Graph API for both Exchange email items and Teams messages. In addition, the prior limit of 10 items per storage location will be expanded to 100 items per storage location.


Microsoft Purview compliance portal: Communication Compliance – Enriching Insider risk management with Communication compliance as an indicator

Enhance Insider Risk Management by incorporating communication compliance policy matches as a new indicator for detecting various communication risks, including inappropriate text. Additionally, our system now extends its capabilities to identify potential financial regulatory compliance breaches and violations of any custom communication compliance policy on Teams, Exchange, Yammer, Copilot, or third-party channels. This expansion ensures a comprehensive approach to risk detection in diverse communication scenarios.


Microsoft Purview compliance portal: eDiscovery – eDiscovery premium: Enhancements to eDiscovery experience for Microsoft Forms content

Now admins can search for Microsoft Forms content specifically within their collections, see the full metadata associated to those items including the Form title, and review both the original Form and responses to the Form as related items within both review and export. Simplification and ease of use for managing Forms content via eDiscovery will help reduce the pain points of challenging discovery process and improve the confidence of organizations using Forms for critical tasks that may require eDiscovery capabilities.


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.