Microsoft Viva: Support for types of topics

Support for categories or types of topics, such as projects, products or organizations.


Microsoft Information Protection: Exact Data Match to support Auto-labeling (client-side)

Organizations will be able to configure new or existing client-side Auto-labeling policies using Exact Data Match (EDM) Sensitive Information Types (SITs), enabling more fine-grained control over which sensitive content gets labeled.
More info:


Microsoft Teams: Enhancement to app usage report  –  support for Line of Business apps

Line of business type of Apps were added to the Teams Admin center App usage reports.


Microsoft Edge v.92: Navigate PDF documents using page thumbnails

You will now be able to navigate through your PDF document using thumbnails representing the pages. These thumbnails will appear in the pane on the left side of the PDF reader.


Yammer: Discover communities in Communities app for Microsoft Teams

Browse, discover, and join communities around your Yammer network directly in the Yammer Communities app for Microsoft Teams on the web, desktop, or mobile.


Yammer: Updated community discovery experience in the new Yammer

Re-invigorated experience to browse, discover, and join communities around your Yammer network.


SharePoint: Microsoft List creation from

Now you will be able to create a Microsoft Lists list directly from Click the ‘Create new’ ‘plus sign’ button and select “List.” You’ll see the same create list experience as you see from the Lists home page, in SharePoint and when using the Lists app in Teams.


Microsoft Edge v.94: Notification from web apps show as coming from the Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

Beginning with Microsoft Edge version 94, notifications from progressive web applications PWAs will no longer show as coming from Microsoft Edge, but rather will display the name of the web app instead.


Microsoft Teams Rooms Managed Services: Location Based Roles Scope

IT roles based on location scopes such as building, sites, regions, etc.


Microsoft 365 Admin Center: Teams app usage report and Graph API

We are introducing a new Teams app usage report & Graph API to help you track app usage metrics over time.


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.