Bookmark and acronym answer retirement on OWA

The bookmark and acronym answer features in OWA will be retired in June 2024, but this will not affect the overall email search experience.


Advanced Hunting Permissions update for some Microsoft Defender for Office 365 security admins

The permissions for accessing Email & Collaboration schema in Advanced Hunting for Microsoft Defender for Office 365 are updated to align with Threat Explorer. Changes will roll out in May 2024, affecting security teams with specific roles. Organizations must assign new permissions to maintain access to the schema.


Feature Update: ‘Modern Workplace – Autopatch Client Setup’ script upgrade to version 1.2

The ‘Modern Workplace – Autopatch Client Setup’ script is being upgraded to version 1.2 starting June 3, 2024, with improvements and a technical cleanup. The upgrade will roll out to different deployment groups throughout June. No action is needed from users, but assistance is available through the Microsoft Intune admin center if necessary.


Microsoft Teams: Walkie Talkie will be integrated with Apple’s iOS Push-to-Talk feature

Microsoft Teams’ Walkie Talkie feature on iOS will integrate with Apple’s Push-to-Talk, enabling audio transmission from the lock screen and optimizing performance. Rollout begins late April 2024, requiring iOS 16 or later, with no action needed from admins or users.


Microsoft Purview: Microsoft Information Protection – Exact Data Match adding support for role-based access control (RBAC) for EDM upload authorization

Customers will be able to choose to leverage RBAC to authorize users for uploading data to the Exact Data Match (EDM) service instead of leveraging the EDM_DataUploaders security group for authorization.


Microsoft Viva: Multi-tenant Events and AMA in Viva Engage

Enable hosting of Cross-tenant AMAs and Events with Viva Engage


Microsoft Viva: Viva Pulse – Integration into Viva Connections Dashboard

Viva Connections will support Viva Pulse cards where admins can add Pulse cards to the Connections Dashboard. Users of the Connections Dashboard will get notified about Pulse surveys they send and receive, as well as Pulse reports shared with them. Users can also create a Pulse survey from the Connections Dashboard.


SharePoint: Pages – Author inline comments

Author inline comments enables users to collaborate, provide feedback, and track issues within a page or news post.


Microsoft Teams (work or school) application on Windows will be renamed to Microsoft Teams

Starting in May 2024, the Microsoft Teams application for Windows will be renamed to “Microsoft Teams,” and the personal version on Windows 11 will be called “Microsoft Teams – personal.” This is in anticipation of an update allowing access to work, school, or personal accounts from a single app. Rollouts will begin in early May and finish by early June 2024. Tenant admins should inform their users and update documentation accordingly.


Power Platform – Environment groups general availability

We are announcing the General Availability of Power Platform environment groups starting on May 15, 2024. This will help administrators govern at-scale more quickly and easily through features such as Managed Environments for Power Platform.


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.