Intelligent Meeting Recap in Microsoft 365 Feed

We are announcing Intelligent Meeting Recap functionality in Microsoft 365 Feed for both Teams Premium users and users without Teams Premium.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 122529


Activity policy – filter by file name

We will be retiring the ability to filter by ‘select file name’ from Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps. 

When this will happen:


File policy/filter ‘policy’ retirement

We will be retiring the File policy/filter ‘policy’ from the MDA file policy page. Instead, we recommend the utilization of the new Malware policy governance actions, which is where we will continue to invest our development resources.

When this will happen:


Microsoft Teams: Mark All As Read for Activity Feed

Users can triage their activity feed more efficiently using the new ‘Mark all as read’ feature. With just one click, users can mark all unread activities as read.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 102238


Your Microsoft 365 services will automatically display your Power BI content by end of June

In Nov ‘22, Power BI (PBI) launched the preview of integration with Microsoft Graph, with the goal to increase discovery of PBI reports, dashboards and apps across several surfaces like Microsoft 365, SharePoint and Bing @ Work.

This setting allows users in your org to see certain Power BI metadata (such as content titles and types, or open and sharing history) in Microsoft 365 services like search results and recommended content lists. Metadata from Power BI datasets are not displayed.


Enhanced Capabilities for Managing Deleted and Expiring Teams from the Teams admin center

Microsoft Teams Admin Center will be updated with new capabilities to manage deleted & expiring teams.

When this will happen:


Enhancements in Threat Explorer by Microsoft Defender for Office 365

With the recent Threat Explorer V3 rolled out changes in user experience, we have also added 15 new filters in threat explorer filters section. The filters have been grouped into different categories: Basic, Advanced, URLs, Files, and Authentication.

  • Basic filters are comprised of basic criteria, such as, subject, sender, and recipient.
  • Advanced filters include more complex criteria such as NetworkMessadeID, Sender IP, and Attachment SHA256.
  • URL filters focus on URLs or domains associated with threats or attacks.
  • File filters relate to attachments like file name and type that may be linked to a threat.
  • Authentication filters can identify DMARC, DKIM, SPF authentication results.


User’s policies details page enhancements

The user’s policy details page in Microsoft Teams admin center provides admins with the ability to manage policies for individual users. However, the current experience falls short in meeting critical needs, such as presenting a comprehensive view of all policies assigned to a user and a policy assignment view to understand how a policy is applied to the user. 

To address these concerns, the new user details policy page offers an enhanced experience that enables admins to view all effective policies for a user, along with a clear policy assignment hierarchy view. With this new functionality, admins can easily troubleshoot any problematic policy assignments, ensuring that policies are correctly assigned, and their users’ experiences are optimal.


Microsoft 365 Defender: Quarantine Customize Columns and Filters preference Saved for re-use

We are saving the Customize Columns and Filters preference for re-use by admins or end users when triaging the Quarantine folders for false positive email messages.


Timeline Markers in Meeting Recordings When Screen was Shared (Teams Premium)

Microsoft Teams users with a Teams Premium license will soon be able to see when a screen was shared in a Teams meeting recording and jump to that moment.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 117418


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.